Grow more organized with your thoughts. Your calendar. Your plan. Your actions.
Grow more confident in leading others. Handling conflict. Following a calling.
Grow more influential in your community. In employee engagement. In your customer’s experience. Even with yourself.
There’s no shortcut to your personal and professional growth.
Just a willingness to work on the hard stuff. To wrestle.
It’s a method that is, literally, ancient. And it is an exclusive approach Hip Socket provides clients today.
- Roleplay works: Mark coaches his kids to cold-call for the Country Ham AuctionSales training: It’s never too early! Mark shares how his kids prepared for the 4-H Country Ham Project. Roleplaying cold …
- Author Chris Hunsicker: How to gain a non-duplicatable competitive advantageDo you suffer from Mood-Dependent Excellence? Do you know why your back-to-basics meeting won’t solve your problems? Do you understand …
- How to write a book (or accomplish pretty much anything)Our friend and mentor, Chris Hunsicker, travels the globe helping clients transform organizational culture and leadership. And he just published …
- Leading in crisis–and a plot twistThe CDK shutdown: A crisis so big it impacted the GDP. Mike and Mark watched a firm not just survive …