Grow more organized with your thoughts. Your calendar. Your plan. Your actions.
Grow more confident in leading others. Handling conflict. Following a calling.
Grow more influential in your community. In employee engagement. In your customer’s experience. Even with yourself.
There’s no shortcut to your personal and professional growth.
Just a willingness to work on the hard stuff. To wrestle.
It’s a method that is, literally, ancient. And it is an exclusive approach Hip Socket provides clients today.

- My Favorite Martin: Mike interviews Mark’s dadA high-school drop out who became a chemistry major … who had a career in IT … which led to …
- Want engaged employees? You need “Growth.”The Gallup Q12, as it’s commonly called, is a set of 12 questions designed to measure employee engagement. Not satisfaction. …
- Want engaged employee? You need “Belonging and the Greater Good.”The Gallup Q12, as it’s commonly called, is a set of 12 questions designed to measure employee engagement. Not satisfaction. …
- Want engaged employees? You need to meet “Basic Human Needs.”The Gallup Q12, as it’s commonly called, is a set of 12 questions designed to measure employee engagement. Not satisfaction. …