Transitioning from Go-To Person to Empowering Leader!

Your boss was incredibly successful because he or she had you! What happens after you get promoted and the team you are now leading no longer has a “you?” Recreating yourself as a leader means shifting focus from personal achievement to team empowerment. Your new role is about creating opportunities for others to shine, building trust and independence. Interested in …

How to write a book with Chris Hunsicker

How to write a book (or accomplish pretty much anything)

Our friend and mentor, Chris Hunsicker, travels the globe helping clients transform organizational culture and leadership. And he just published a book that captures many of the principles and tools he shares: “Unstoppable Culture: A Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Relentless, Results-Driven, High-Performing Team” Chris shares how he wrote it–and how you can use the process (structure, tiny habits and …

Leading in crisis–and a plot twist

The CDK shutdown: A crisis so big it impacted the GDP. Mike and Mark watched a firm not just survive but thrive, thanks to five key behaviors.  And it turns out there is a plot twist involved.  Interested in coaching or training on these topics for you or your team? We’d love to hear from you! Email Mike and Mark.

Booker T.’s 3 secrets to overcoming challenges

Mark thinks Booker T. Washington is one of the greatest Americans of all time. Need proof? Check out how Washington improved students who wanted to be teachers … by turning his school into a brick-making powerhouse. Resources mentioned: “Up from Slavery” “What a black cemetery teaches us about self control” “Choices: a Civil War battle and the battles we face …