Want engaged employees? You need to meet “Basic Human Needs.”

The Gallup Q12, as it’s commonly called, is a set of 12 questions designed to measure employee engagement. Not satisfaction. Engagement. Why is that distinction important? Because satisfaction is surface-level—think free snacks in the breakroom—but engagement digs deeper. It’s about your team’s emotional connection to their work and their belief in the purpose of what they’re doing. These questions came …

What do you meme?® Shocking reactions from “Triangle Factory” workers … which one are you?

Introducing our new series on memes that are going viral with employees–and have something to say about their engagement and your leadership. How informed are your workers? If they are not proactive about getting informed … are you the reason?  Interested in coaching or training on these topics for you or your team? We’d love to hear from you! Email …

A Genius on intentionality: Why and how some achieve more–and how you can too

We love featuring geniuses on It Doesn’t Take a Genius! Herb Mast’s book “Intentionality for Leaders” has been praised by the likes of Boeing and Ford CEO Alan Mulally and leadership great Patrick Lencioni. Mark asks Herb to share some of the insights in the book that helps you go “beyond mere talk, actionless goal setting and good intentions to …