If you are willing to wrestle, you will grow.
How do I know? By the examples of those ancient wrestlers, the Greeks and Romans.
The ancients believed words alone were not enough to communicate truth about important things. Those words had to be shared in dialogue—even argument—with others.
Real learning, real growth, happens when we wrestle for the truth.
This “dialectic” method allowed the ancients to develop skills that enabled someone to be intentional, think deeply and rise to their potential.
It’s the system the early Church Fathers refined to create our Western education system.

And it’s the system Hip Socket draws upon to help clients today.
It takes many forms:
- In-person workshops and keynotes that emphasize engaging with practical leadership skills
- Coaching via phone or video tailored for the individual client
- Online classes allowing clients to wrestle with like-minded leaders.
The key is to engage with wisdom in a way that allows wrestling with it, getting outside of comfort zones.
That’s where growth occurs. Click here for examples of Hip Socket clients growing more organized, more confident and more influential with their customers, their employees and themselves.