A classic American novel spells out the philosophy that many have in the workplace. If your workplace struggles with politics, retaliations and victimhood, Mike and Mark have a reset. Interested in coaching or training on these topics for you or your team? We’d love to hear from you! Email Mike and Mark.
You should tell your people before “the judge” does
Mark’s kids experience that rite of passage for swimmers everywhere: the DQ judge. It’s a reminder that “clarity is kindness.” It is too late when your people are facing the judge. If you don’t hold your people to the standards, the judge will. Interested in coaching or training on these topics for you or your team? We’d love to hear …
George Carlin and the Bible agree with Ted Lasso: Be curious, not judgmental.
Mike learns the long history of a quote often attributed to George Carlin. There are lessons here for anybody who judges. (Hint: That’s you and me. We’re all judging. So do it well!) Interested in coaching or training on these topics for you or your team? We’d love to hear from you! Email Mike and Mark.
Booker T’s ancient secrets to communicating
What if you could always effectively communicate and persuade employees, customers and leadership? Our special double-length episode celebrates one of America’s most successful communicators, Booker T. Washington. His method illustrates one of the world’s oldest communication methods: the “five canons” of classical rhetoric. Click here for our episode on the first canon’s tool, the “common topics.”Questions? Comments? Ideas for future …
Hey Boomer: Don’t tell your hard workers McDonald’s is hiring
Mark shares a true story about Baby Boomers misunderstanding Millennial hard workers, and the disastrous results of not addressing negative feedback. If you care about employee retention, this one’s for you. Questions? Comments? Ideas for future episodes … or interview subjects? Email Mike and Mark.
Lessons we’ve learned after 200 episodes
Honor the streak! Lost episodes! More Booker T. to come! And other insights from our labor of love that has lasted weekly for almost four years. Questions? Comments? Ideas for future episodes … or interview subjects? Email Mike and Mark.
Choices: a Civil War battle and the battles we face with every decision
It all hinged on choices. If one had not chosen to rise before dawn … if another had not chosen to commit to training … if still another had not chosen to execute the severest of punishments … … it’s possible we would not live in the United States of America. Are you taking your daily decisions just as seriously …
“Not listening” is the new pandemic.
Mike has had a series of troubling interactions that explain a lot of what our clients are facing: Nobody is listening anymore. Fortunately, there are several ways to combat this. Questions? Comments? Ideas for future episodes … or interview subjects? Email Mike and Mark.
New resources on our, well, Resources page
How did a French aristocratic lawyer in the 1830s make so many insights about the United States of America? How is so much of it still relevant not just to society–but to how we run businesses? Visit our Resources page. Go straight to the list of items for our Workplace Book Club and scroll to the bottom. There you’ll find …
C’mon man, not everything can be a “customer experience!”
RANT INCOMING: An employee rant leads Mike and Mark to discuss good CX–and the motives and methods that create them. Have you considered both? Questions? Comments? Ideas for future episodes … or interview subjects? Email Mike and Mark.